SK Douglas N. Cohen,
Right Eminent Grand Commander
Grand Commander – 2022-2023
SK Douglas N. Cohen was initiated, passed, and raised in Hiram-Takoma Lodge, No. 10 under the Grand Lodge of the District of Columbia and dutifully served as Worshipful Master. He remains active in Hiram-Takoma, No. 10 and Freedom-Military Lodge, No. 1775.
An active Scottish Rite Mason, Brother Cohen is a Past Chieftain of the Knights of St. Andrew and a past Venerable Master of the Mithras Lodge of Perfection. Having served all four York Rite bodies, SK Cohen is a Past High Priest and Right Excellent Grand Lecturer, a past Thrice Illustrious Master and was elected Grand Commander of the Grand Commandery of Knights Templar of the District of Columbia on March 19, 2022.